Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Work Smarter, Not Harder


Growing up, my dad engrained in me the “work hard” belief, and I did very well for myself as a result of it. Working hard helped me achieve many things, and progress in my hospitality career all the way to the top.
But as I decided to change paths and become an entrepreneur and run my own business, it wasn’t long before I realised that this “work hard” belief will literally run me to the ground unless I did something about it, and I was forced to take a step back and re-evaluate this belief.

Being an entrepreneur and a high achiever makes your life get busy in ways you can’t imagine, and for those of you in the same path I would like to pose a recode with a new, more empowering belief, that will serve you far better in your quest towards growth and success. Here it is:


If you want to create great results in your life whilst still maintaining some harmony and time for the things that matter to you most, you are going to have to get creative, and find better ways to create the same outcome with less effort. Or you can continue to work really hard. The choice is yours.
And if you are open to try a different way to approach how you work, then you can begin by asking yourself questions such as these:

– What are the most important things for me to accomplish this year?
– What activities am I doing out of habit that are not really providing me with any results?
– What do I need to get rid of, no matter how difficult?
– What must I keep, and if so who can help me with it?
– What am I struggling with, and what do I need to do to learn to do it differently, or even delegate it all together?
– Does this activity align with what’s important to me?

The quality of your questions dictate the quality of your results, and if you want to get better results by working smarter, not harder, you need to do this work, so block 1 hour of your week and come up with ways in which you can reduce your work load, and create space for the things you love most.

Here’s to your success!

With Love,

Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success