Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services





Over the two decades I’ve worked with thousands of people across the globe, I’ve observed that most people don’t want to disagree or know how to do it. We also tend to assimilate differences of opinion or disagreements with being angry, rude or unkind, which makes most people very uncomfortable. Even experienced Executives avoid conflict.


Many of us may have learned through our upbringing to smooth things over or avoid confrontation at all costs. We often allow certain situations to build up until it blows up in a very toxic way, by which time everyone is far too emotionally involved, which can be detrimental to ourselves, our relationships and the business overall.


Disagreements are an inevitable, normal, and healthy part of relating to other people. There is no such thing as a conflict-free work environment. Wanting a continuous peaceful workplace, apart from being an unrealistic illusion, is no good for anyone, because disagreements – when managed well – have plenty of positive outcomes.


So if you want to improve overall outcomes in your team, build trust, understand each other’s opinions, overcome endless misunderstandings, etc, you’re going to need to get comfortable with conflict, whilst learning to deal with it the healthy way.


Healthy conflict is about being respectful, not personal. Putting everything out in the open, visible to all members so everyone can participate in a safe manner. Entertaining others’ ideas, even when we disagree with them. Discussing and even debating issues fully. It requires setting aside ego, stop being defensive so that a healthy debate can be had towards resolution.


Companies that encourage healthy workplace conflict enjoy many benefits. From fostering trust and security among all team members, to better and faster decision making, more creativity, stronger ideas and more engaged and committed employees. In these workplaces, everyone feels secure enough to express differing opinions, speak their minds and needs in a constructive way, and are able to communicate assertively. All of this leads to business growth.


As a leader, you must avoid becoming stagnant by promoting healthy conflict, which is necessary and beneficial. You can do so by giving everyone a voice, and learn to listen to understand the parties involved, so you can take into account the person’s background, how they communicate and their particular approach to the problem.

You can encourage intelligent discussions and creative disagreements by arranging office debates about particular topics, to promote the emergence of new ideas and increase the creative energy which can lead to a boost in productivity.

You can also bring some fun and promote some friendly competition, which drives innovation and challenges employees to achieve results better and quicker.

Conflict, when managed properly, strengthens relationships and teams and can also serve as an opportunity to learn and grow, providing higher job satisfaction and an overall happier place to work. Stop walking on eggshells, instil some “salty” moments in the office, and watch your team’s rise up to heights you never thought possible.

To your success,



Isabel is an experienced Peak Performance Strategist with over 20 years of international work experience holding senior positions within the hospitality industry in countries around the world, as well as Executive and Leadership coaching, mentoring and training. She specializes in high performance strategy, leadership development and building organizational culture to help leaders and their teams learn, grow and succeed. Isabel is passionate about helping empower business leaders with the mindset, performance, skills and strategies that they need to get ahead. More available on

Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success

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