Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Every Employee Deserves An Opportunity To Succeed

Low performers can have significantly negative effects on any business, from lower overall workplace morale, increased workload on others, and a lack of initiative and motivation, resulting in a work culture where mediocrity is accepted. Low performers sabotage the concept of teamwork. So much work today is accomplished through a team which must have the

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Stand Up and Speak Up or Sit Down and Listen?

When it comes to leadership development, one of the top priorities identified by both clients and their sponsors is wanting to become more confident in being able to speak up and present their ideas. We seem to have this idealised notion that in order to be effective, influential leaders, we must be assertive, dominant, and

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  DID YOU KNOW THAT HEALTHY CONFLICT IS ESSENTIAL FOR EFFECTIVE TEAMS?   Over the two decades I’ve worked with thousands of people across the globe, I’ve observed that most people don’t want to disagree or know how to do it. We also tend to assimilate differences of opinion or disagreements with being angry, rude

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  “A little empathy goes a long way…”. That was my closing statement to an email that I sent to a teacher that decided to send me a fully loaded email, questioning my daughter’s exam result. “She is underperforming and as the parent you need to do something about it, here are some suggestions… I

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👉 CAN YOUR TEAM SEE THE BIG PICTURE? Often leaders believe their teams are aware of the bigger picture, and yet when I speak to employees across all layers of the organization, the story I am told is very different. For those who claim to see the bigger picture, I ask them to explain it

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Lead Authentically to Lead Effortlessly

I am surprised by how many leaders attempt to be one way at work, while their truer, more authentic personality emerges only outside of work. And it surprises me when these same leaders seem shocked or confused when their employees don’t trust them, don’t like them, and are looking elsewhere for other work opportunities. Studies

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Great Leaders Listen First and Speak Last

GREAT LEADERS LISTEN FIRST AND SPEAK LAST   As a leader, you want to inspire action instead of commanding action. In order to be able to appeal to people’s hearts, you need to be able to apply empathy, which is a vital leadership trait. Without empathy, you will be limiting your ability to impact value,

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Coaching is now considered one of the most important approaches to talent development, equipping professionals with the tools, knowledge and opportunities they need to develop themselves and become more effective.

Leadership mentoring is a tried and trusted method for developing the best leaders of tomorrow. It provides prospective leaders with a forum for setting, discussing and disecting a path to leadership with someone who has walked that path before.

I develop and facilitate customized workshops, seminars and group coaching based on the individual needs of the client. This is more than a practice – it’s a solution essential to the success of individuals, teams, client relationships, and the entire organization.
