Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Busting Workplace Myths: The 3 Assumptions That Are Sabotaging Your Success

Unveil the silent productivity killers and transform your team’s potential.

Have you ever paused to consider how certain assumptions might be silently undermining your team and your bottom line?

Let’s dive into the top three assumptions that are the silent productivity killers.

1. Assuming Everyone Understands the Vision

A staggering 70% of employees feel disconnected from their company’s mission, according to a Gallup poll. This disconnect happens when leaders assume that their vision is automatically understood and embraced. Without clear, ongoing communication, even the most motivated teams can drift off course. Imagine trying to navigate without a map—it’s no wonder employees can feel lost and disengaged.

2. Assuming Feedback is Always Effective

Did you know 65% of employees wish they had more feedback? This data from Officevibe highlights a critical gap. Yet, if feedback isn’t specific, timely, and actionable, it can do more harm than good. Think “coaching” instead of “criticizing.” Effective feedback should guide and inspire, not demoralize. It’s the difference between a pat on the back and a push off a cliff.

3. Assuming Silence Means Agreement 

Silence often hides dissatisfaction. Research from the Harvard Business Review shows that 85% of employees are reluctant to speak up with ideas or concerns. This culture of silence stifles innovation and problem-solving. When employees don’t feel safe to voice their thoughts, valuable insights are lost, and problems fester. Silence is not golden; it’s a red flag.

Breaking free from these assumptions isn’t just about improving morale—it’s about driving profits. According to Gallup, companies with engaged employees outperform others by 202%. This means a direct line between understanding, effective communication, and your bottom line.

Over to you now. What unspoken assumptions might be holding your team back? It’s time to start a dialogue. Share your thoughts in the comments or reach out directly to explore how we can turn these silent saboteurs into opportunities for growth!

To your success,


Isabel is an experienced Peak Performance Strategist with over 25 years of international work experience holding senior positions within the hospitality industry in countries around the world, as well as Executive and Leadership coaching, mentoring and training. She specializes in high performance strategy, leadership development and building organizational culture to help leaders and their teams learn, grow and succeed. Isabel is passionate about helping empower business leaders with the mindset, skills and strategies that they need to get ahead.

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