Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services



Have you ever had to work on a project but felt resistant to even think about it?

Do you struggle getting into action or completing tasks?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stuck about all that you have “on your plate”?

This is something that I have to deal with pretty much with every single one of my clients. I am also no stranger to overwhelm, and the damaging effects that come from it.

Women seem to be particularly susceptible to the overthinking, overanalysing signs that come from feeling fruzzled and overwhelm. Add to that our perfectionistic tendencies and we have crafted for ourselves a great recipe for disaster.

So how do we move from overwhelm into a more focused and productive state? It may actually be simpler than you think, and I hope that after reading this you’ll be able to put this hack into practice, so you can get better results faster.

But before I start, I’d like you to bring an added awareness to the concept of “busy”. For pretty much most of us, life has gotten busy, and I mean so busy, that if for whatever reason we are not busy, we feel the pressure to make ourselves busy. We are so used to doing constantly, we don’t know how to stop, or even remember what that may feel like. And yet, we feel constantly overwhelmed by how much we need to do. Quite a cannandrum!

There will always be more to do. There will always be too much to do. So firstly, you must pause and realise that you are never going to reach a feeling of complete stillness – it is simply unrealistic. There is not way you are ever going to solve that problem, so stop fighting a battle you simply cannot win.

So, starting with the basis that we can’t do it all, we can however become intentional about what really needs to be done – what would bring the biggest value and positive outcomes to our lives and our work. Here’s how:


1. IDENTIFY all of the areas that need your attention. Do so for both your professional and personal lives. Get an understanding of those items that keep filling your head all day – and night – and make you feel stressed and swamped.

2. PRIORITIZE – in order of importance – those items that need to be addressed first. Start by asking yourself: out of everything that I have going on, which top 3 of these items would make the biggest impact in my work / life? which ones are the most important? what are the top 3 that I can choose to actively work on? which items align most with what’s truly important to me and my values?

3. BREAK IT DOWN – Write down those 3 priority items and come up with a simple plan to help you deal with each of these areas. Make it SMART – have a due date of completion, a realistic plan to deal with those items, and a broken down set of steps, so you can easily work on just one simple action item to allow you to move forward toward achieving the results you want.

4. REVIEW / ADJUST as needed. Every week, take 10 min of your time to understand your progress in those 3 priority areas, whether your action plan is working, or whether you need to self-correct and come up with a different initiative.

Thats it! Seriously, that’s all that’s needed. If you really struggle with getting out of your head and into focused, meaningful action, you may consider speaking to a friend, a colleague or a professional that can help you put things into perspective and commit to a way forward. Because sometimes, doing it alone can be the biggest hurdle in itself.

WANT MORE? I’ve actually created a free worksheet to help you go through this process quickly and effectively. If you are anything like me, you may enjoy a more engaging visual to help you action things. If you want to get this sheet, all you need to do is subscribe to my email list, and you will gain access to many more perfomance and leadership tools, strategies and content that I only share with my subscribers.

CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW to get immediate access to your free worksheet. And please share with anyone you know who may benefit from blasting overwhelm and becoming more focused, and productive!

To your success,


Isabel is an experienced Peak Performance Strategist with over 20 years of international work experience holding senior positions within the hospitality industry in countries around the world, as well as Executive and Leadership coaching, mentoring and training.
She specializes in high performance strategy, leadership development and building organizational culture to help leaders and their teams learn, grow and succeed.
Isabel is passionate about helping empower business leaders with the mindset, performance, skills and strategies that they need to get ahead.
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Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success

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