Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

It is never too late to change things around and create the life you want

This is the story of a client of mine, and the lessons learnt along the way…

Less than a year ago, I met Linda at a time when she was ready to quit her managerial job, feeling inadequate, highly emotional and doubting her abilities in all aspects of life.

She knew she needed help, only she didn’t know how to go about it. All she knew was that if she could become a better leader at work, that would help part of the situation that she was in. At that time she read an article of mine and decided to take a chance on herself, and invest in some coaching.

In less than 6 months, Linda was a completely transformed individual. She knew who she was, what she wanted, and how to get it. She felt empowered, motivated, focused and confident in her abilities in both her personal and professional lives.

The other week this is the latest update that I got from her:

“Hi Isabel,

Hope it’s all going well!

I just wanted to let you know the business is preparing an offer for me in a global role leading talent development.

The best part is they have agreed to continue to be based here to support my fertility journey!

I am just so overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey I have been on!

Thanks again for being a shinning light through a dark time. I am still learning as I go, but am becoming far more confirmed with the person I am and about the person I am becoming. 🙂


I love, love love getting messages like the one from Linda from my clients. I couldn’t be happier for her. She is incredibly talented and, once she understood her own potential and tapped into her own inner resources, her external world changed to accommodate her brilliance.

I wanted to share Linda’s story to bring you some lessons to this story:

  • It is never too late to invest in yourself and create the changes you seek.

  • Asking for help is not sign of weakness, but a sign of strength and the precursor or positive changes ahead.

  • If you are clear about who you are and what you want, you can confidently ask for what you want and it shall be given (OK there is a lot more that I could flesh out of this subject, but more on that later…)

  • Change is good, and doing the work necessary, but the rewards are far more worth it!

  • You can, at any time, choose to take the lead on what goes on in your life, and create the results you’re after.

I am constantly being inspired by people who, no matter what hurdles they face, decide to own them and take action so they can move forward towards the best version of themselves. It is a daunting journey, uneasy at times, and yet there are no regrets for those who try it.

So, what are your thoughts on Linda’s story? Can you recall a story like that in yourself or anyone you know? Do you feel stuck in your career and ready to quit? Are you doubting your abilities in business or in life? Wishing you could move up the ladder but don’t know how?

It is time to do something about it. Your first step is to own where you’re at, and the next is to find a way to help you propel forward.

Here’s to your success!

With Love,

Isabel x

Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success