Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

What are you tolerating?


We tend to get dragged down and overwhelmed by things that accumulate over time – and end up cluttering our minds – and our businesses.

In many cases you may not want to do anything about them right now, but getting into the habit of writing them out in paper will help you offload some of those things, and will also allow you to increase your awareness of what actually needs to be done, which in turn will help you to start handling them, fixing and resolving each one of them as you work through your list.

So, make a list of what you are putting up with at work or at home, or in life in general, and you will get a very good idea of what’s cluttering your mind and slowing you down, both in your personal life and work performance.


Some examples would be incomplete tasks, any frustrations you may have, processes or procedures at work you feel are inefficient or poor practises at work, unresolved issues or problems, other people’s or your own behaviour, clutter, any “shoulds” , unmet needs, crossed boundaries, poor morale, overdue bills or invoices, lack of up-to-date practises at work, guilt, any exercise / eating / sleep habits, office or home cleanliness / tidiness, indecision, procrastination, etc.

Now is the time to identify and get clear about what you are currently tolerating in your life! Write as many as you can, in any order, or format, or device, then over time keep developing this list, and keep adding them as they come up.

Your mind will appreciate the offload, and you will feel relieved, as by noting things down you won’t forget, as it will stay safe in your list, for you to recover and deal with as and when required.

So, starting today, write as many things as you have lingering around in your mind.

How many did you get?

Can you identify which ones are the most important that require immediate action?

Which one out of those would you pick as your top priority?

Pick your top priority and identify an action to take right away (or in the next day or so).

Before you know it, your mind will feel lighter, and sharper, and more ready to take on the more important things in life!

And if you would like me to make you accountable for taking action, just leave me a message via my Facebook page aquí.. There is no better motivation out there to get things done, than to make your desires public!




Isabel Valle ACC ACTP

Global Coach

Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success


Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success