Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

The Two Types of People Who Will Tell You That You Can’t Make a Difference—and Why You Should Ignore Them

It’s a common experience: you share your big, world-changing idea, only to be met with skepticism, doubt, or even outright dismissal. But why? Why is it that some people are so quick to tell you that you can’t make a difference?

Let me introduce you to the two types of people who will almost always try to dim your light:

1.Those Afraid to Try

These are the people who have let fear control their lives. The fear of failure has paralyzed them into inaction, and when they see someone else (like you) stepping up to the plate, it stirs something uncomfortable within them. It’s easier for them to tell you that you’ll fail than to confront their own fears of trying.

2.Those Afraid You’ll Succeed

These folks recognize your potential—and it terrifies them. Your success would force them to question their own decisions, their own paths. If you succeed, it disrupts the status quo they’ve become comfortable with, and change is something they’re just not ready for.

But here’s the thing: The biggest obstacle you’ll face isn’t these people—it’s the fear within yourself. Are you allowing these external voices to become internal doubts? Are you letting someone else’s limitations define your potential?

Reflect and Engage:

  • Who are the people in your life subtly—or not so subtly—holding you back?

  • Are their doubts rooted in their own fears, or yours?

  • How can you shift your mindset to drown out the noise and listen to your inner voice?

Next time someone tells you that you can’t make a difference, take a moment to consider the source. Is it their fear speaking, or is it yours? Then take a deep breath and get ready to prove them wrong.

To your success,


Isabel Valle is a Peak Performance Strategist dedicated to helping high-level executives and business leaders excel in their roles. Through personalized coaching and strategic guidance, Isabel helps clients navigate the complexities of leadership, achieve their goals, and thrive both professionally and personally. Connect with her to unlock your full potential and make your vision a reality. More on

Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success

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