Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Should Your Company Encourage Entrepreneurial Behaviours at WorK?

  In this modern business world, companies must adapt quickly to changing markets and customer needs, and employees must be encouraged to adopt a mindset and actions that promote innovation, risk-taking, and creativity in the pursuit of new opportunities that can help drive growth and success. Encouraging entrepreneurial behaviour at work creates a culture that

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How Great Leaders Motivate Their Teams

Here’s something that all great leaders understand: Motivated and engaged teams are essential to achieving business success. They know how to inspire their employees, empower them, and create an environment that fosters growth and development. Here are some ways you can motivate your team: – Lead by example: Set the tone for the entire organization.

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Do You Talent Hoard?

  Talent hoarding is a common practice in which leaders keep their employees in their current position, preventing them from taking on new responsibilities or expanding their skill set. This can be detrimental to the organization in the long run as it can result in reduced innovation and creativity, high turnover rates, and a negative

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Can High Performers Become Effective Leaders?

One of the biggest issues I find when working with companies worldwide is the fact that many workers are being promoted for their technical skills, but not trained on how to manage people. While high performers may have many strengths, not all of them are suited to becoming great leaders. Leadership requires a unique set

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The Future of Work is Collective

  As organizations increasingly recognize the benefits of collaboration and teamwork, the future of work is shifting to the collective. There are many reasons why the future of work is likely to be more collective: 1. Distributed teams: With the rise of remote work and distributed teams, individuals may no longer be physically located in

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Silos Kill Companies

Silos continue to run rampant inside companies. When teams work in silos, they operate independently from each other and without much communication or collaboration. This can lead to several negative consequences, such as: Working in silos is caused by a variety of factors related to communication, trust, resources, priorities, organizational structure, and leadership. The antidote to

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There is No Place for Gossip at Work

Leadership and gossip are incompatible. Leaders who want to foster a culture of respect and trust in their organizations need to discourage gossip and model positive communication. By creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their concerns and opinions openly, leaders can build strong teams that work together towards a common goal. Stopping gossip

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Stop Telling Your Employees What To Do

As a leader, it can be tempting to tell your employees what to do at every step of the way. After all, you are responsible for ensuring that things get done, and sometimes it can feel like the easiest way to achieve that is by giving specific instructions. However, this approach can ultimately limit your

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How Leaders Can Leverage AI

  Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving technology that is transforming the way we live and work. Leaders can leverage AI in many ways to enhance their leadership ability and drive innovation in their organizations. Here are some ways leaders can leverage AI: 1.     Automate routine tasks, such as data entry, scheduling, and customer service.

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Actualmente, el coaching se considera uno de los enfoques más importantes para el desarrollo del talento, proporcionando a los profesionales las herramientas, conocimientos y oportunidades necesarios para su desarrollo y para mejorar su efectividad.

El mentorazgo en liderazgo es un método probado y confiable para desarrollar a los mejores líderes del mañana. Ofrece a los futuros líderes un espacio para establecer, discutir y analizar un camino hacia el liderazgo con alguien que ha recorrido ese camino antes.

Desarrollo y facilito talleres personalizados, seminarios y sesiones de coaching grupal basados en las necesidades individuales del cliente. Esto va más allá de una práctica; es una solución esencial para el éxito de individuos, equipos, relaciones con los clientes y la organización en su conjunto.
