Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership: Feel the Feeling, But Don’t Become the Emotion

Leadership isn’t just about making decisions, setting direction, or driving results. It’s about managing the emotional landscape—both yours and your team’s. Emotions are powerful forces in the workplace, and how we handle them can either elevate or undermine our leadership.

The key? Feel the feeling, but don’t become the emotion. Witness it. Allow it. Release it.

 Witness It: When an emotion arises—whether it’s frustration during a heated meeting, anxiety about an upcoming presentation, or even excitement about a new opportunity—take a moment to recognize it. Name it. By doing this, you distance yourself from the emotion just enough to observe it objectively.

Allow It: Give yourself permission to feel what you’re feeling. Emotions are there to inform us, not to control us. Allowing yourself to feel an emotion is an act of acknowledgment, not submission.

Release It: Once you’ve acknowledged the emotion, let it go. Don’t let it cloud your judgment or dictate your actions. Leaders who master this can navigate the complexities of their roles with clarity and composure.

Why Is This Important for Leadership?

Emotionally intelligent leaders set the tone for their teams. When you demonstrate the ability to manage your emotions—without suppressing them—you create a culture of emotional resilience. Your team learns to trust not only your decisions but also the emotional stability you bring to the table.

Reflect and Engage:

  • How do you currently handle emotions in your leadership role?

  • Are you reacting to emotions, or are you thoughtfully responding to them?

  • What steps can you take to improve your emotional intelligence as a leader?

The next time you feel a strong emotion rising, practice witnessing it. Don’t push it away, but don’t let it take the driver’s seat either. Lead with clarity, balance, and emotional intelligence.

To your success,

Isabel Valle is a Peak Performance Strategist dedicated to helping high-level executives and business leaders excel in their roles. Through personalized coaching and strategic guidance, Isabel helps clients navigate the complexities of leadership, achieve their goals, and thrive both professionally and personally. Connect with her to unlock your full potential and make your vision a reality. More on

Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success

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