Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services


Isabel, tu asesoramiento fue exactamente lo que necesitaba. Pensé que iba a ver a un médico con un problema, y tú me diste alas sin necesidad de receta, pero exactamente lo que el médico ordenó. El discurso que escribí literalmente justo después de nuestra sesión transmitió el mensaje correcto 'desde el corazón', como dijiste, y muchos miembros después del evento vinieron y me felicitaron. Gracias. Tus habilidades profesionales de escucha y evaluación de la situación fueron un verdadero éxito. Muy apreciado.

Kathy L. Scalabre,
GM at AGS Thailand

Encontré a Isabel durante un momento desafiante en mi carrera, cuando de repente me convertí en el jefe interino de producto y tuve que liderar a nuestro equipo a través de un difícil cambio organizacional. Mis objetivos iniciales de coaching eran prácticos, centrados principalmente en cómo hacer un trabajo para el que me sentía completamente despreparado y no estropear los próximos 6 meses. Isabel me ayudó a guiarme durante este período y salí más seguro en mis habilidades. Sin embargo, lo que más agradezco son las nuevas formas de entenderme a mí mismo, a los demás y al mundo. Todo esto se ha manifestado en mejores hábitos, un mayor sentido de empoderamiento y agencia, y sentirme más contento en la vida. Isabel es perspicaz en sus observaciones y tiene una habilidad asombrosa para ayudarte a conectar los puntos y tener esos 'aha moments' donde tu perspectiva cambia. Lo hace con humor, compasión y una energía contagiosa. La recomendaría encarecidamente a cualquier persona que busque una forma holística de convertirse en un mejor líder en el trabajo y en la vida. 

Linda Wang, Product Manager, Lalamove, Hongkong
Linda Wang, Head of Product, Lalamove, Hong Kong

Soy un 'escéptico-convertido-creyente' en el Coaching de Liderazgo. Estoy agradecido de que un amigo me conectara con Isabel en el momento en que necesitaba encontrar claridad en mi carrera y mi vida. A través del coaching de Isabel, he desarrollado un mejor sentido de quién soy, cómo pienso y qué valoro. Isabel me enseñó una lección invaluable sobre tomar conciencia de mis '3 cerebros' y la forma en que interactúan entre sí. Ahora conozco la sensación de haber alcanzado claridad, que es la clave para alcanzar un rendimiento óptimo. También entiendo cuándo no tengo claridad o cuando mis 3 cerebros no están alineados y cómo ajustar. También he aprendido varias autoevaluaciones para mantenerme enfocado y en el camino correcto. Las lecciones aprendidas me beneficiarán el resto de mi vida.

Through Isabel’s coaching, I have developed a better sense of who I am, how I think, and what I value. Isabel taught me an invaluable lesson on becoming aware of my “3 brains” and the way they interact with each other. I now know the feeling of having achieved clarity, which is the key to reaching peak performance. I also comprehend when I do not have clarity or when my 3 brains are not aligned and how to adjust.

I have also learned various self-check exercises to stay focus and on track. The lessons learned will benefit me for the rest of my life.

Nattapak Atichartakarn,
CEO Trush Lucky, Thailand

Querida Isabel,

Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerte por tu aporte y contribución al Retiro de Dirección de MTCD. Proporcionaste ideas muy valiosas y has brindado a mi equipo bastante material para reflexionar sobre cómo navegar el cambio, pero lo más importante es que el cambio no es un evento, sino una parte intrínseca de la gestión y es necesario si queremos que nuestros equipos crezcan y sigan siendo relevantes. Recibí muchos comentarios positivos y, lo que es más importante, fue realmente genial ver cómo el equipo integraba lo que presentaste en sus contribuciones a sus respectivos planes de trabajo e iniciativas clave que tienen que abordar este año. Hubo mucho enfoque en las personas y en el desarrollo de capacidades, lo cual resuena con mi constante mantra de asegurarme de que no dejemos a nadie en la plataforma.  

Nuevamente, Isabel, muchas gracias y también por estar disponible con tan poco tiempo de antelación. Tanto yo como el equipo nos beneficiamos mucho de tu aporte.

Ms Lakhoo-Verbeek| Director | International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna

Thanks a lot for the great coaching sessions. They really helped me to focus on my objectives, commitments and strengths and put me back on track. After our conversations, I became clearheaded and felt so motivated. Now the process has started and regardless of its outcome, I will continue to enhance managerial responsibilities and performance. My time spent with you has enabled me to move on and be happy about my accomplishments.  You are truly an amazing coach and I liked that you got under my skin. Thank you for being such a good listener and helping me find answers to my own questions. It has been an amazing journey with you.

United Nations Leader, Thailand

Knowing you was one of the best things happened to me in 2020. Here are some of the outcomes of our sessions:

– increased job satisfaction and self-confidence
– increased positive attitude regarding the work environment
– improved peer relation
– improved self-appreciation
– committed to increase work life balance

Delivered $3.5m in procurement of goods and services at the end of 2020.  If Isabel had not been there to provide a support mechanism to guide and coach me through what seemed impossible, it would not have happened.”\

United Nations Director, Thailand

Isabel helped me to look at my resources and think more strategically on how to utilize them. The coaching sessions helped me to review my goals and objectives, to streamline my strategies and action points, and to stay on the right track. Isabel is very perceptive and asks strategic questions, which make me think more and consider all possible options. Coaching sessions have been very intriguing and lively and I really enjoy the sessions. Managers need to have a safe channel to check on their work and performance, without worrying about reactions/leak of confidential information. By talking to a third-party coach, I feel quite safe in sharing my concerns, and by briefly presenting a case, I got to have another look on the situation, which helped my thought process.

United Nations Leader, Global

Casi 3 años atrás, el Universo me envió un ángel. Su nombre es Isabel Valle. Cuando conocí a Isabel, estaba golpeada, magullada y probablemente en el punto más bajo de mi vida. La vida no tenía sentido. Todo era culpa de los demás que me sentía tan miserable y deprimida.

Isabel y yo nos reuníamos una vez a la semana para encuentros cara a cara durante este tiempo. Pero se mudó a Bangkok después de unos meses de comenzar nuestras sesiones de coaching. No pensé que las citas por Skype funcionarían, pero debo decir que realmente no ha afectado la calidad de su coaching ni lo que he estado obteniendo de las sesiones con ella.

Es fantástico poder hacer Skype ahora porque no tengo que viajar para ir a verla. Y incluso cuando Isabel y yo estábamos de vacaciones, aún podíamos tener nuestras sesiones de coaching cuando era necesario, a la distancia. Funciona perfectamente para nosotros.

Conocer a Isabel es lo mejor que me ha pasado. Es como si hubiera salido de un coma y ahora estoy despierto. Despierto a mi propia conciencia. Despierto a quién soy. Despierto a mi mente que me tenía atrapado durante tanto tiempo. Estoy lejos de ser quien era hace 3 años. Todavía estoy en proceso, pero ahora sé.

Isabel hace las preguntas difíciles y te hace conectar con tu yo interior. Me ha enseñado a identificar cuándo la mente se ha apoderado y cuándo habla el corazón. Esta diferenciación ha sido una de las herramientas más importantes que tengo en este momento porque me ayuda a trabajar a través del laberinto de mis pensamientos, decisiones y problemas. Me proporciona más claridad. Me ha ayudado a tomar decisiones basadas en mi verdad interior y no en mi ego, o en lo que mi mente hace que sea.

Este viaje con Isabel ha tenido tantos altibajos, pero diría que más altos que bajos. Pero es un viaje que vale la pena y por el cual siempre estaré agradecida.

Sophia Lim, Education Industry Director, Brunei Darussalam

Isabel is an exceptional coach. Her awareness, sense of humour and keen intuition kept me moving forward–toward the best version of myself. Throughout our time together, I made measurable progress in reaching my goals which is, I think, the defining measure of a great coach. Without a doubt, when I need another perspective or help moving through some major challenge in my life, I will choose Isabel.

Derek Hayes, Vice President Banking, US

The ASM Management Team finished our Accelerated Leadership Program with Isabel Valle yesterday after a brief break due to Covid. It was great to get a deeper level of knowledge, training and appreciation for leadership in the 21st century. It was a welcome break from the office having the ability to do offsite training days like these without interruptions. Also a great team building day I feel. For anyone looking for some coaching and leadership training I could not recommend Isabel enough.

Nicholas Doyle, General Manager, ANCA Sheet Metal Solutions, Thailand

Isabel was recommended by a very good friend of mine, during a time that I was feeling a bit stuck in a crossover. I had never done any sort of coaching before, and to be very honest, I had no idea what to expect. Our energies matched from day one, and all I knew is that I owed it to myself to give it a shot. Working with her has had a huge impact in my life, both in my personal development as well as in my career. She knows when to hold space for growth, but also when to nudge you towards your goals. Her ability to see your personality traits and values and bring out the best part of you and also how to express it in what you do was really what captivated me the most. I’m so glad to have given myself the gift of working with her – if you are considering it, don’t hesitate. You are worth it.

Dr Elaine Barretto, Singapore

Dear Isabel,

Thank you so much for the wonderful coaching sessions. They were nothing but amazing, I found. I cannot find the right words to describe just how wonderful and meaningful these sessions were to me professionally and personally.

Most importantly, I want to thank you for your time to meet with me and to help me to better know myself and my capabilities. With you I have really learnt to take time to reflect on things to understand what I can do and what I want to do, and to believe in myself more. Thank you so much, you have been so inspirational to me, so these days I really keep thinking about you and all your advice when I need to take actions at work and in life.

United Nations Leader, Spain

The 3 sessions I had with Isabel were nothing but amazing. She guided me to connect the work-related issues with the resources I didn’t know I had deep within myself. These were very empowering experiences for me. Her ability to ask very pertinent questions to me that I was not able to ask myself. These key questions led me to discover solutions. I was very impressed by and extremely grateful for her to ask me these key questions. The solutions found during the sessions were immediately implementable and actionable.

Afer 3 sessions with Isabel, I received great encouragement from her and found confidence in me (with her help and guidance!) that I will be able to face other, possibly more difficult work-related issues in the future. I am convinced that having a great coach to walk alongside you can help me to continue improving leadership/managerial ability.

Yuko, United Nations, ESCAP Thailand

I was going through a particularly challenging time professionally. Nothing I did seemed to work, and I just could not quite put my finger on why, so I decided to invest in a coach. By chance, I was able to meet Isabel in person as her meetings are often online. I was a rambling mess in the first meeting. I was so stressed but not ready to give up. I instantly felt supported and like someone was on my team. We met weekly for 3 months, and every week was significant. As we built trust, Isabel challenged me not only professionally but personally. Her guiding advice was you need to find your true authentic leadership style that can be adapted in any environment. She was right on so many levels; I hadn’t built a solid foundation. Through many self-discovery sessions, I was able to discover what I was and what I was not. This takes some honesty and ownership and is still a journey. When our sessions came to an end, it felt sad but strangely right. I grew so much and can honestly say the impact of Isabel’s support was life-changing. Recommend 100%. Isabel goes where you want to go and just that little bit further so you can discover your magic, and everyone has magic to discover. Thank you, Isabel.

Lucy Russell-Slater, Global HR Leader, IHG Hotels


Isabel ha sido el ingrediente secreto para el exitoso lanzamiento de mi nuevo negocio de sanación holística.

Con su mezcla especial de entusiasmo, inspiración y experiencia, Isabel me guió a través de un profundo viaje personal que me llevó de simplemente querer cumplir un sueño de ser sanador con poca idea de cómo realizarlo, hasta lanzar mi negocio de sanación sobre una sólida base de estrategias comerciales prácticas y herramientas de marketing impactantes. Con la abundante experiencia de Isabel en marketing y su mentoría empresarial, he podido hacer crecer mi negocio de manera mucho más rápida y efectiva, especialmente porque aún llevaba los recuerdos de un negocio anterior fallido cuando comencé esta vez.

En el camino, ella me ayudó a percibir el valor de mis ofertas y a superar mis bloqueos hacia la abundancia y a mostrarme 'allá afuera'.

¡Gracias Isabel por un viaje increíble!

Glenys Earle, Holistic Healer and Wellness Consultant, New Zealand

I was doing coaching for a while, when I noticed I was stuck with some topics that I felt more comfortable to discuss with a woman than a man. I was in one of my worst moments, when I decided that I want to try and was in a very nice group of coaches that I found Isabel. I clicked with her automatically, I loved her personality and the way she expressed herself about coaching. We talked and we started the sessions. OMG it was incredible the way she handled all my dramas and difficulties of that time. I had many deep issues that she handled beautifully and helped me to come out of the hole and back to life again. She helped me to become the coach that I’m today, she believed in me all the way and mentored me in the moments that I most needed; she walked beside me through the tough times and helped to build my confidence to the point that I can inspire others. My writing was never good to express myself, but I hope this referral will be a clear message for you, she is an amazing professional and I hope that you, who are reading this now, will have a chance to try her services.

Claudia Gomes, Transformational and Relationships Coach, Thailand

Our three sessions felt like a week! So much happened. I was transitioning into a new career and felt very insecure about how to rebrand myself and show up impactfully in the industry. Following our coaching, in my first roadshow, I was offered to join a project series based on a book about Bangkok. I also received interest about filming a documentary and a feature film about gemstones, which I’m developing right now. Aside from generating great interest about my new line of work, the biggest outcome I got out of this experience is the confidence about myself! I can easily approach people and tell them about myself and my projects. And I’m super grateful for your support in boosting it Isabel!

Daria Komleva

Producer & Showrunner, Thailand

While this was not my first coaching programme in UN, this has been the first time I really felt the coach was useful and helping me to progress on my goals.  Isabel was able to ask me the right questions that triggered the right emotions and reflections to improve on the topics we discussed. She was able to use the active listening and ask the right questions that made me react and reflect. The tools that Isabel gave me will help me on my day to day and strategic work. After the coaching sessions I am more efficient on how I manage my time and the team strategic communication. 

United Nations Leader, Spain

Isabel es intuitiva, motivadora, estimulante y desafiante. Pudo equilibrar el estímulo con el desafío y siempre estaba en el punto. Lo que aprendí al ser coachado por Isabel es confiar en mis instintos. Mi vida es extraordinaria después del coaching de Isabel. Ella es una coach excepcional. La recomendaría altamente y ya lo hice. Su capacidad para desafiar de una manera solidaria, utilizar su intuición para abordar lo que realmente necesita atención es asombrosa.
She is an exceptional coach. I would highly recommend her and I have already. Her ability to challenge in a supportive way, to use her intuition to address what really needs addressing is amazing.

Ngaire Newland, Behaviour Change Coach, Business Owner adn Programs Designer, New Zealand

Isabel is a superb coach with the ability to open and relieve your mind and deal with the complex issues of leadership and personal performance. With her guidance and exceptional knowledge Isabel has transformed the way I process information enabling me to be a more creative and dynamic leader. I now approach my colleagues with improved confidence with a focus on empowering them who in turn empower me and ultimately move me forward to “simplifying” end enhancing my life.

Cameron Lawless, Executive Chef & F&B Manager, Radisson Hotels, Brunei Darussalam

Isabel has a wonderful ability to truly listen and hear you. She builds a safe container and is able to challenge you look further, deeper, higher and stretch. But hold you safely. During our coaching sessions I noticed that my overwhelm and emotions subsided to a place that I could begin to make sense and then use them as a springboard to move. This was the power of her coaching. I felt like a trapeze artist and she was the safety net calmly holding the space for me. I am so grateful to have been coached by Isabel, she came into my life just when I needed her. She was gentle but powerful, She listened and asked powerful questions. And I was able to stand up and face the war. Amazing coach, I would recommend to anyone.

Molly Kain, ICF PCC Coach, South Africa

Isabel is a wonderful energetic coach. She really worked very well with my energy and rhythm. She was a wonderful champion of me and helped me develop my ideas by reflecting back my words and use of metaphor. She has inspired me and motivated me to speak my truth and has held me accountable to write my story, to bridge the gap between the past and the future by really bringing me fully into the now. I always left our sessions uplifted with a renewed sense of purpose and energy. Isabel works as a coach on many different levels. She is fantastic at noticing moods and energy shifts and created a magic in our sessions that led me to connect with my purpose again. Thank you for holding the space for me to explore some difficult parts of myself. Isabel coaches with grace and ease and the time I shared with her has been powerful and significant for me.

Julie Rice, ICF MCC Coach, Australia

Isabel is full of positive energy and lightness. She sees the big picture and asks powerful questions that help you forward. I loved how Isabel always saw the bigger picture and asked me to make the connection to where I am now. Even though I thought that I have been through every aspect, she saw that there was still something brewing that needed addressing. As a result of our time together, I was able to understand what was holding me back and find the enthusiasm and lightness to start and finish projects that I had been postponing for a long time. Isabel helped me connect my bigger picture to the next steps effortlessly and with enthusiasm. I also learned how effective positivity, curiosity and acknowledgement are!
Ave Peetri, ICF PCC Coach, Middle East

A Testimonial Letter to Global Room

Catalyst team

La medida de un buen orador es si puede mantener a la audiencia comprometida durante la duración de la charla. Por otro lado, la medida de un gran orador es si puede inspirar a la audiencia a tomar medidas mucho después de que la charla haya terminado. Han pasado tres semanas desde la sesión de coaching de la Sra. Isabel Valle con nuestro equipo. Un miembro del personal renunció ayer. Los demás que permanecieron, la energía que poseen ha sido algo diferente desde la capacitación. Están más enfocados, emocionados y con propósito cuando entran a la oficina. Isabel Valle coaching session with our team. One of the staff members resigned yesterday. The others who remained, the energy they possessed has been somewhat different since the training. They are more focused, excited and purposeful when they step into the office.

Lo que Isabel inculcó en nosotros fueron un conjunto de principios para encontrar nuestra propia dirección y aprender a ver los árboles desde el bosque. Tal vez sea la misma razón por la cual nuestro personal renunció; para buscar su verdadera vocación.

Dejando de lado lo profesional, Isabel tocó la fibra de muchos de nosotros porque no nos dio solo casos de estudio; las historias que compartió Isabel provenían directamente de su corazón con verdaderas convicciones, simplemente no puedes fingir autenticidad. Sus experiencias de su rica trayectoria corporativa le dieron profundidad y credibilidad, especialmente cuando se trataba de preguntas y respuestas, y su triunfo personal contra su contratiempo físico nos inspiró a todos a subir más alto.

Con este testimonio, no creo que esté hablando solo por mí, ni estoy hablando simplemente en nombre de mis compañeros de equipo. Pero todos aquellos que han tenido la suerte de ser entrenados por Isabel pueden dar testimonio de esto.

Para aquellos que buscan un Coach Ejecutivo para transformar su empresa, no puedo dar una recomendación más alta.

Con gratitud,

Shaun Hoon, Co-Founder at Catalyst, Editor Inspire Magazine, Brunei Darussalam

Hay un momento en tu vida

Cuando el mundo está de tu lado

Puede que no lo sientas

Puede que no lo veas

Pero te rodea como una luz

Te hace más fuerte para la lucha

Nunca te rindas, cree en ti mismo.

Este es el resultado del coaching con Isabel. Me ayudó a quitar la niebla frente a mí para ser yo mismo. Pero también entender mi funcionamiento y avanzar sin perder tiempo ahora. La crisálida se ha convertido en mariposa.

Franck Reveyrand, Commercial Engineer at TOTAL, France

Isabel is an amazing coach and mentor with immense energy to give and full dedication to her clients. She generously shares from her extensive expertise whilst mentoring you. I really enjoyed every single one of our sessions together. Whilst she helped me find my niche and develop my brand and business proposition as a business owner, she also empowered me to reconnect with my authentic self and express myself freely. I highly recommend Isabel to those who are trying to develop their business and find their true self.

Sona Maidan, Creative Confidence Coach, Thailand

Isabel Valle…. An angel sent to me when I was at my most desperate. From anger and resentment to peace (there are still ups and downs), acceptance and tools to deal with what is going on around me, these are the wonderful gifts I have received from Isabel.
Isabel was always listening, asking questions that made me shuffle in my seat (on a weekly basis), guiding me, comforting me, holding me when I couldn’t hold myself together anymore. So many lessons learnt from Isabel. She is the voice I still hear in my head, probing me to think, breathe, focus before I react. I always remember “gremlins”, “my responsibility”, “lessons will be sent until I have learn them”!
I am a better person now because of her. She let go of my hands after six months because she believes that I can do it on my own now. She has more belief in me than I could ever have for myself.
She is never about the money, she’s always about the heart. Her heart is always 100% there when she is speaking to me, her listening is always 100%, her questions are always 100% TO THE POINT!
I have learnt to ask myself the same types of questions she would ask me, to challenge all my previously held (perhaps misconceived) notions and paradigms. She has made me aware of the importance of listening to others and understanding the real person whom I am listening to.
The human person isn’t just a physical form but a combination of the spiritual and emotional form as well. I get it now! It makes sense now! It is a concept that is so hard to explain. Isabel never lectures, she never forces me to “Get it!” because I couldn’t. She knew exactly when I needed to hear certain things and would say them at exactly that time. This idea of a complete human form had to be experienced. Isabel helped me do that and I “got it”! I must say that this is one of the biggest revelations of my life and probably the start of my own journey towards transformation.
Because of Isabel, I now try to do my small part to make changes in the lives of teenagers, albeit in small ways. As Isabel always says, just plant the seed, some day it will be used.
Isabel has been truly a God send to me. I cannot even begin to imagine where I will be without her. She gave me the confidence and the tools to continue in life. Most importantly, she gave me the courage to search for my own happiness and my own place in the world. It is a journey that I hope I will learn to enjoy and keep getting better at. Isabel has been the instigator of my journey towards transformation. I know she will continue to make changes in small but wonderful ways wherever she is in the world.

Sophia Lim, Education organisation Director, Brunei Darussalam

If you have reached the point in your life when you realise you want to change your life one way or the other, seeing a coach is the answer.  I had heard of coaches before, but never thought it could help me or that I needed one to truly believe and discover what I wanted to do in my life. Isabel has been a fantastic person who gave me a complete different perspective on coaching, and has really helped me on my journey. I would recommend Isabel to anyone! I miss going to see her already!

Gracias de nuevo.

Magalie Van Amerongen – expatriate mother and wife
in transition onto her true calling in life, Holland

Coaching was a bit of an unknown entity to me and I really wasn’t sure what to expect when I had my first session with Isabel. Hocus Pocus? Counselling? I really didn’t know, just thought it sounded “interesting”!

Eso fue hace seis meses y ahora he completado 24 sesiones y no puedo recomendar lo suficiente a Isabel. La experiencia ha sido simplemente asombrosa y el crecimiento y el conocimiento que tengo sobre mí mismo y lo que soy capaz de hacer es maravilloso.

Su habilidad para descubrir y potenciar lo mejor de una persona es notable. No solo dedicamos tiempo a mis fortalezas, sino también, lo más importante, a desarrollar mis debilidades mentales. He visto cómo mi imaginación se expandía y esos pensamientos se convertían en sueños, que a su vez se convirtieron en metas, las cuales se están logrando más rápido de lo que pensé posible.

Tanto mi vida personal como profesional están prosperando y me siento más segura y fuerte que nunca.

Thank you Isabel, you have a natural ability to help people grow and I have loved every minute of it, thank you for helping me get to where I am and I look forward to going further in the future! I’m not finished yet!

Philippa Morris, Health & Fitness Coach and Trainer, Australia

Isabel was more than I expected from a coach. Not only did she support me on my journey, she challenged me where necessary and listened to me when needed. She let me laugh and rant, complain and celebrate and was always there at the end. Her personality and coaching style fitted me perfectly and anyone else has some big shoes to fill. She is your biggest supporter and you feel sincerity in her believe in you. Nothing is forced or played, and you feel very comfortable for the start. I would highly recommend working with Isabel as her added value to anyone is indescribable.

Caroline De Kimpe, Divisional Manager, HR, Australia

I am so honoured to have you as my coach. You have brought about such change in me. You have pushed me to places I was reluctant to explore in order to release my best self. Most importantly, you get it, you actually get it! No one else has understood fully the far-reaching implications of coaching, especially in an area like this one. Even my family and closest friends do not understand why I’m coaching and how it fits into how I want to see the world. So thank you for understanding and for pushing me to the core. “

Isabel es una coach láser poderosa que caminó conmigo a través del caos de mi vida y carrera, ayudándome a señalar exactamente hacia dónde debía ir. Realmente me responsabilizó por mis acciones y falta de acción, y me inspiró a vivir mis sueños. Exhibe todas las habilidades que debería tener cualquier coach y mucho más. Recomendaría a Isabel a cualquiera que realmente quiera resultados. 

Nicole Manuel, Financial Sustainability Coach, US

Dear Isabel, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate what you are doing with your coaching. What I have learnt from you is invaluable, changes are dramatic and I am honestly surprised that I feel like the real woman has emerged!!

Gracias por escuchar, charlar y compartir conmigo tus pensamientos y espiritualidad. Te deseo muchas bendiciones en el futuro. Muchas, muchas gracias.

KK: un alma verdaderamente notable en su camino para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor, con un claro sentido de paz interior y felicidad.

Estoy escribiendo esto para compartir mi más profundo agradecimiento y respeto por sus esfuerzos e intenciones en ayudarme a cambiar. Estoy orgulloso de decir que CAMBIAR no será una palabra difícil para mí ahora debido a la transformación asistida por ella. ¡Fue una gran experiencia! CHANGE will not be a hard word for me now because of the transformation assisted from her. It was a great experience!!

Trabajar con ella ha abierto oportunidades que nunca podrían haberse alcanzado con otros. De manera única, el tiempo y el esfuerzo dedicados para mi atención por parte de ella estuvieron más allá de las expectativas. Su compromiso inspirador, capacidad de liderazgo y personalidad considerable en esas sesiones eran innegables. Poder ayudar a los líderes a ser firmes y flexibles al mismo tiempo es una de sus grandes fortalezas en esas sesiones de coaching.

Ella está muy motivada, es una gran aprendiz y oyente, y una persona que respeta las opiniones de las personas de todas las formas posibles, independientemente de los antecedentes y creencias de sus clientes. Su participación fue asombrosamente sin duda, siempre enfocada principalmente en liderar.

Ella es no juzga, es inspiradora y decidida para cualquier líder potencial que desarrolle para avanzar. Una entrenadora muy motivada que ayuda a las personas a centrarse en alcanzar sus metas con confianza y responsabilidad. Una experiencia que nunca se puede adquirir sin sus palabras de sabiduría e inteligencia emocional.

Ella me transformó en una persona que nunca podría imaginar ser y me ayudó a ser esa persona que elegí ser y la persona que soy ahora... ¡Y fue una gran oportunidad para trabajar en cosas que influenciaron mi entorno hacia una comunidad positiva y un éxito continuo! ¡Tuvo un gran impacto en todo lo que hago!

Estoy orgulloso de participar en esas sesiones memorables, significativas y medibles (metas realistas) que han influido en mis rutinas laborales y de vida durante los últimos 3 meses. Es una persona equipada con autenticidad, honestidad y flexibilidad, capaz de ser genuina en sus opiniones y creencias. Tiene la capacidad de hacer que el aprendizaje sea reflexivo y significativamente relevante en relación con experiencias reales. Los clientes admiran sus reconocimientos realistas y honestos que comparte, y la ven como un ícono del éxito y una puerta de oportunidades.

The completion of the sessions turns out to be the beginning of more successes for my future endeavours. I highly recommend her for a global coach for leadership and self development, as she can help you reach beyond your limits, with her positive energy and her coaching style. She is a great leader herself and she will lead you through thick and thin to reach your goals collaboratively towards success.

Suazmie Zulkifli –

School Principal and Government School Leader,

Brunei Darussalam

Coaching with Isabel Valle:

La verdad es que no estaba convencida del valor del coaching antes de comenzar. También pensé que no era para mí, me consideraba demasiado pragmática. Pero decidí probarlo porque en ese momento necesitaba seriamente a alguien que me ayudara a organizar mi desordenado horario diario.

Como expatriada durante ocho años, involucrada en muchos proyectos independientes y con una familia de cuatro miembros, estaba empezando a perder mi autoconfianza. Tenía la sensación de que me estaba hundiendo cuando conocí a Isabel Valle. Tenía dos proyectos importantes en marcha y me sentía completamente atascada con enojo, decepción y muchas otras emociones. Siempre buscaba algún tipo de gratitud que nunca alcanzaba.

Solo esperaba que Isabel me ayudara a organizar mi vida de una manera muy práctica. También le pedí que fuera de apoyo. ¡Estaba dispuesta a pagarle a alguien solo para escuchar que lo estaba haciendo genial! Suena patético, pero es cierto. Ella hizo mucho más. Logró entender mi liderazgo oculto y deshacerme de mi lado oscuro. Recuperó mi confianza perdida. Isabel simplemente me ayudó a pensar de manera diferente. Isabel simply helped me to think in a different way.

Cada sesión, sentía que daba en el clavo. Con conversaciones sencillas y algunas ideas geniales, me empoderó tanto que mi mundo mental entero cambió. Me dio las herramientas que siempre había tenido dentro de mí pero nunca había utilizado. With simple conversations and some great ideas, she empowered me so much that my whole mental world changed. She gave me the tools I always had inside me but I never used.

También me ayudó a recuperar mi seguridad en lo que respecta a la crianza de mis hijos. Debido a que estaba perdida en esta crisis de falta de autoestima, me resultaba muy difícil en ese momento lidiar con mis dos hijos (4 y 8 años). En esta área, también me dio consejos increíbles para recuperar mi autoridad. No estoy mintiendo: ¡de una quincena a otra, toda la atmósfera de nuestra familia dio un vuelco! Y todos somos mucho más felices ahora. No tiene precio.

Han pasado seis meses desde que terminé mis sesiones de coaching con Isabel Valle y no hay un solo día en el que no utilice uno o varios de sus "fabulosos consejos mentales". Definitivamente recomendaré sus sesiones de coaching.

Cecilia Castilla, Freelance Journalist and Published Author, Abu Dhabi

I had 6 sessions with Isabel as part of my Peer Coaching exercise. Even though the coaching duration short, I learnt a lot. She helped me to realize my goals and streamline the same. The Core values exercise I have done gave me a lot of insight within me. It was a great experience. With simple ideas she helped me monitor the food I take and that helps me to focus on my goal of staying fit. I originally felt that I couldn’t coach people on several areas like financial planning etc… She helped me remove that mental block and helped me to get more clarity. I will continue use the metaphor she gave me that is “The Driver and the Navigator” whenever I am struck with any mental blocks. Thanks Isabel for those 6 wonderful sessions…

Jerry Rajamoney, Software Program Manager and Coach, India

Durante las 12 semanas aprendí que puedo usar mis habilidades personales para obtener la carrera en Terapia Ocupacional que deseo. Ahora me doy cuenta de que tengo habilidades y experiencias de vida para guiar y ayudar a las personas de la manera que quiero. Antes de conocer a Isabel, nunca había oído hablar de la Terapia Ocupacional ni de cómo se ajustaría tan bien a mis 'talentos'. Ahora estoy comprometido al 100% a llegar a donde necesito estar con respecto a mi carrera, y antes de comenzar el coaching estaba tan confundido acerca de lo que quería ser y cómo lograrlo. Una sorpresa para mí fue lo bien que me adapté a las técnicas de visualización y lo mucho que las disfruté. Nunca antes había meditado hasta que conocí a Isabel, y ella me ha mostrado lo rápido, fácil y útil que puede ser para mi mente. Definitivamente continuaré con estas técnicas.

Me gustaría agradecer enormemente a Isabel por su paciencia y amables palabras. Discutimos cosas muy personales y emocionales, y ella nunca emitió juicio ni me hizo sentir juzgado en ningún momento. Las 12 sesiones fueron como un gran soplo de aire fresco y sentí que, dentro de esa hora, podía decir o hacer cualquier cosa. Isabel me hizo sentir muy cómodo y también muy especial como individuo. Como he dicho antes, ella me dijo que mis talentos no son lo normal y que no a todos les gustaría cuidar, nutrir y dar amor a personas fuera de la red familiar. Sin Isabel, no sabría cuál es mi verdadero destino en la vida y cómo llegar allí. Le debo esto a Isabel y siempre estaré agradecido por su amistad. Gracias nuevamente, Isabel.

Sam Mason, Expatriate mother and wife, Brunei Darussalam

Sam Mason, Expatriate mother and wife, Brunei Darussalam.
