Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Are you a passionate leader?

Leadership is no longer about position – but passion.


In leadership, passion is an undoubtedly a required key element for a leader. In life and at work, people who are successful and achieve great things have passion. In our quest for success, it is therefore important to find the areas that we are passionate about, then stay focused on them.

In order to find our passions, finding our purpose and our own individual strengths helps us when it comes to creating passion. In coaching, one of the very first steps we undertake is to identify one’s purpose, values and strengths, in order to understand ourselves better, and to better strategize to how to get to where we want to go with our own individual set of skills.

When a leader has passion, the following things occur around them:

1.     Passion generates energy

A passionate leader moves forward by the very own energy it produces. In leading yourself and others, passion and energy are crucial. Donald Trump said, “Without passion, you don’t have energy; without energy, you have nothing.” Leaders who have passion also bring energy into what they do.

2.     Passion drives vision

In order for leaders to be able to accomplish their vision and goals, they need to be passionate about the vision itself. They need to be able to communicate their vision to others in a way that conveys that passion, so that others see the value of it and want to be part of it.

3.     Passion is contagious

Passion generates a type of energy that rubs off on people. I have come across many leaders that I am instantly inspired by, just by their infectious passion for a subject or vision. These leaders are able to engage and motivate others into action.

4.     Passion = Influence

When a leader has passion, others take notice. When others take notice and are influenced by the leader, then others want to also be part of it. It is infectious. Passion is like a gel that blends people together.

5.     Passion creates new possibilities

A leader’s passion is able to bring new opportunities and possibilities and opens the door to success. When leaders are passionate about what they are doing, it moves them closer to their own potential, which causes them to challenge and stretch themselves and move into the next level within their career and personal journey.

Are you living with passion? How do you bring this passion into your work or daily life?

As Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch once said, “the most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.” Find that fire inside yourself, then find ways express it. You will never look back!

Till next time!








Isabel Valle ACC ACTP

Global Coach

Founder of Global Room

Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success