Global Executive Coaching, Team Coaching, Corporate Training and Public Speaking Services

Cultivate your strengths


We all possess a unique set of qualities or talents, areas in which we naturally do great at. Being able to recognize those will be one of the best exercises you could ever do, since greatness is created through one’s strengths.

Examples of strengths could be being adaptable, analytical, passionate, a good communicator, ability to connect with people, creative, independent, strategic, honest, good sense of humour, etc.

Do you enjoy doing things that you’re actually not good at? Most of us would answer no to this question, and yet we are so used to spending most of our time and energies into working on how we can improve our weaknesses, which can leave us feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. As we compare ourselves to other’s strengths, we may get so fixated in “fixing” those areas that we are not good at, that we leave untapped potential for growth, by investing and cultivating our own strengths, instead of using our energy to try and correct our deficiencies.

But what if we had the opportunity to do what we do best every day? What benefits would this new perspective bring to our lives? Just to name a few:

–          Better job satisfaction

–          Better quality of life

–          Increased confidence (knowing that you are making a difference as a direct result of using your own talents)

–          A more positive outlook in life

–          Improved engagement and positivity at work

–          Improved relationships

So what to do with one’s weaknesses? It is always helpful to be aware of those areas where you may not be as talented, especially if you are required to perform some of those at work. Bringing awareness to your developmental gaps allows you to become resourceful in managing them. Nowadays there is an array of solutions and options to address those areas you may lack. Partnering with others whose strengths are your very own weaknesses is a fantastic way of improving overall results.


What are your strengths? How do you make use of your own unique talents at work / in your everyday life?

What is it that you could do to cultivate your strengths?

What areas do you consider to be your weaknesses? What could you do to manage them?




Investing the time to get to know yourself and how to live your life in the way you want could be one of the best investments of your life. But most of us cannot do it alone, we need to leverage the wisdom and experience of other people in order to get the results we want. We also need other people to believe in us in those moments when we’ve given up on ourselves.


In coaching, success is all yours, you do it on your own. You make the decisions and make it happen. A coach is there helping you understand who you are and what you want, empowering you to take action to move towards achieving it all, in a way that gets you out of your comfort zone and into areas you may not have been able to explore or venture into on your own. A coach will guide and inspire you to believe in all your amazing qualities and talents, in a completely safe and confidential environment.


Are you ready to change? Do you want to be successful but don’t know how? Are you looking for something else to give you purpose and direction? Then contact me to find out how coaching can help you, with a free, no obligation consultation.

Till next time!








Isabel Valle ACC ACTP

Global Coach


Global Coach Coaching for Leadership, for Growth, for Success